
Korrekt runking under fasten

Alt er ikke like greit bestandig. Muslimer må passe på mange do's and dont's. Heldigvis tar Irans øverste åndelige leder, Ayatollah Sayed Ali Khamenei, seg god tid til å forklare alle mulige problemer hans undersåtter måtte stri med. Alt takket være dette nye fantastiske internettet.

Q 782: I had an emission during the blessed month of Ramadan for no reason other than excitement that I felt during a telephone conversation with a non-mahram woman. If the phone conversation was not for the purpose of pleasure, is my fast invalid? And if it is, do I have to pay kaffarah as well?
A: If you had not been in the habit of having emission while conversing with a woman and the semen was discharged involuntarily, then your fast is valid and you are not liable to anything.

Q 784: Is it permissible for a husband to masturbate using his wife’s hand?
A: It is not an instance of haram masturbation.

Q 787: Is it permissible for a man to have sexual excitement through imagining his own wife or a non-maharam woman?
A: In the first case, there is no objection to it unless it leads to ejaculation. In the second case, it is a caution to avoid doing so.

Q 789: If someone who is fasting looks at a sexually arousing scene during the month of Ramadan and becomes junub, does it invalidate his fast?
A: If he looks in order to ejaculate, he knows that he will become junub if he looks at it, or he is in the habit of that yet looks at it intentionally and becomes junub, then, the rule of intentionally becoming junub applies to him. So he should observe both qada’ and kaffarah.

En liten ordliste:
Haram - ord som i islamsk sammenheng brukes om det alt som er forbudt. (f.eks Haram kommune på Sunnmøre)
Maharam woman - en kvinne en muslim ikke får lov til å gifte seg med.
Junub - ritually impure due to sexual intercourse or semen discharge

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